poland italy russia

Christmas time is approaching. I think it would be great to talk about it.
That`s why I`d like you to share information concerning this holiday.
1. How do you celebrate Christmas in your country?
2. What do you usually do during Christmas time?
3. What values do you associate with Christmas?
4. Is it important to you? Why / why not?

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2. During the Christmas time I rest from school:).
I have a lot of free time to meet my family and friends.
During the supper on Christmas Eveninig I eat specific dish like a pierogi ( sort of dumpling) or borsch with mushrooms. Under Christmas tree I have a gifts for our family.
My family always leave empty near Christmas table place for suprise guest. At midnight we usually go to church for specific Mass and the next day I sleep to midnigh.:P
For me Christmas is the most magic time in years. During these days everyone try to be nice fot other, people are more sympathetic and give more money for charity organisation.
4. Christmas is important in my life because it is great occasion to spend many time with my family. I can meet my relatives who live far from me. I can rest from school, work and problems. Christmas is very important Catholic event. Catholics celebrate then Christ"s birth. In this time I can feel like a child. I get presents, eat Christmas dishes and go to midnight mass. It is very magical time. This atmosphere makes me happy.
I like Christmas, because you are together and BECAUSE we exchange gifts ... But when your relatives fill you with too many kisses, you feel a sort of hatred towards them.......... After saying this I greet you all and wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!
Perhaps it might be interesting that we Russians selebrate Christmas after the New Year, on January 7. And the real or, as we call it the "Old New Year", is selebrated on Jan.14 according to the old style. There's no confusion for the Russians - they are happy to selebrate the New Year twice!
And it's not long ago that Jan.7 became a day off to selebrate this Holy Day. I hope the students from Russia will tell you why we have two New Years and how we have started to selebrate Christmas. For years and years we used to be the country of atheists ( those who deny religions and God). When I was a University student I had to take an exam in Etheism. I fortunately don't remember how I was graded
Dear Nadia,
I understand that your country, after decades of atheism, is becoming more and more religious and spiritually-oriented..... But it is also getting more and more westernised.. and consummerism has been invading it.
Isn't that a big contradiction? ?
As far as religion is concerned, when my country was much poorer, people were much more devoted to their Parish Church, which, especially in rural areas was the only social facility...now most people only go to church on Christmas or Easter Days.
I love Christmas time because it is the time of the year when people get a lot of presents, families get togther an have lunch.
I usually go to my grandparents and I have lunch with them, in the afternoon the rest of our relatives come to my house and we play bingo and cards until the night.
I think Chrismas is a positive period because people are very sweet and kind to eachother.
I love Christmas!!
This year Christmas is different because there are few people that buy gifts and few adverts!!!
For 3 years I've spent my holidays with my uncle in San Donà di Piave...we have met the other relatives and we have gone to a restaurant which belongs to a cousin of my aunt.
Christmas is important for me beacause I stayed with my family and I open the gifts.

Christmas for me is the most important festivity, I have a lot of free time to meet my family and my friends...
I like also Christmas because people get a lot of presents...
I usually go to my granparents's house and I have lunch with them, in the afternoon the rest of our relatives come and we play cards until the night...
.............I love Christmas............
I love it because it is a special time when I stay with my mum, sister, brother and friends.
all people are very happy because it is a positive festivity.

I'm Rumanian and Catholic and on the 24th December we all go to midnight Mass.
On 8th December all the family, me included, made the Christmas tree on the living room.....

MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone...!!!!!!!.......
For me the christmas is the better time in the year...I love christmas because is a special moment of the year,when we can stay at home with the parents and we can going out with friends...During the christmas all the people are very happy...I love christmas...!
Christmas time is a wonderful period of the year.
First of all, I always go with my parents to both grandmother's house, to exchange greetings, and then to eat all togheter.

Of course, I go to the Midnight Mass, like Madalina, and the church is always full!
I like to open gifts and, of course, to give them to the others.

What can we say except Merry Christmas? Maybe happy new year!!

Dear All,
Don`t you think it would be a good idea to take pictures and make short films during Christmas time and put them on our site? We could show Xmas trees, decorations etc.

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