poland italy russia

Dear All,
I`d like to start a new discussion. The question is:
What are your ambitions for the future?
What do you want to achieve?
What dreams would you like to come true?
What are your dream jobs/ careers, etc.

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what are my ambitions for the future???...
uhmm...at the moment I don't know because I never thought...
however I'd like to finish my school and after going to work.........

in the future would I start a nice job. Now I plan my future. I want go to lingvistic study and work in this job. I would like to have a large family and a husband who he earns a lot of money;) I would like to have big house too. this will be only place to meet a lot of people in our family. ehhhmmm... what is my dreamed job? may I will be a teacher or judge and or tlanslator.
i want be happy:)
my dreams... so i want b e a teacher :D at this moment i don't think about the future coz i must study and think only ab out school maybe when i pass all exams i will have a stress about what i can do . My friend Pati wrote everything what i want in the future heheh:))
I'd like finish good shool. I have blend emotions and I don't know to that I have aim. Maybe I become athlete or architect. I think, that don't go to studies, but go to army. I'm curious such perspecive and I'd like to go on missions for other country. I like studies that there they proceed. I'd like to obtain for elite unit, pick up high degree and earn a lot money:)
I can`t specify my future plans. Firstly, I have to finish the school. and in the nearer future, pass the year;)
So, about my ambitions I`ll tell for about two years:)
In the future hmm..... first I want finish school with good result, next I would have a great job. In fact I want to be one of the most reach and successful person. Exactly I don't know yet who I want to be in the future but I can to win the lottery and be a millionaire then I can help people and support them. On the end I wont to tell my future ambitions are simply I want to have my own house and fancy car, choosing good friends and meet new nice people(girls):D:D I want to be a happy!
My ambitions for the future is to do nothing and to earn very much money for it! ; )
When I was young I always wanted to be a star, to live in the big white house with my dogs and sing with Britney Spears. But now, when I'm adult I'd like to be a happy women with husband ( maybe Johnny Depp? :D). I would like to have a good job, and I'd like to dance in Dance Centre. Ofcourse, this is just dream and I'm not really sure it's possible:) Now I'm dreamig about sleep.
When I was young I always wanted to be a star, to live in the big white house with my dogs and sing with Britney Spears. But now, when I'm adult I'd like to be a happy women with husband ( maybe Johnny Depp? :D). I would like to have a good job, and I'd like to dance in Dance Centre. Ofcourse, this is just dream and I'm not really sure it's possible:) Now I'm dreamig about sleep.
David Are You sure? hA!

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