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My father
1. How many people were there in your family?There were people in his family.
2. What job did your parents do?His father was a building contractor and her mother was a housewife.
3. Did you like going to school? Yes, he liked going to school.
4. How many years did you go to school?He went to school for 15 years.
5. What were your teachers like?They weren't so good...some were better and some worse.
6. Were they strict or not?They weren't very strict.
7. Were there any punishments?If you did something wrong they gave you a bad mark.
8. Did they put any disciplinary notes? Yes of course.
9. Did you have a lot of homework to do? He had a lot of homework to do.
10. What did you want to do when you were a child? When he was a child he wanted to became a soldier.
11. Did you succeed in your dreams?No, he hasn't
12. How old were you when you started working?He was 26 years old.
13. What did you do?He was a bank clark.
14. Did you like it? No, he didn't like it.
15. What was life like?Life was better than now.
16. What was you town (or village) like? It was more beautiful than now becase all was in the middle of the countryside and the air wasn't as polluted as now.
17. Did you go out on weekdays or at the weekend only?He went out only at the weekends.
18. Where did you go and what did you do in your free time?He listened to music, he read and he went in some Pubs with his friends.
19. Did you buy a newspaper every day?No, he didn't.
20. How often did you read a newspaper, a magazine?He read a magazine 2 times a week.
21. Were you interested in politics?Yes, he was interested in .
22. Did you follow the fashion of the time?No, he didn't
23. Who were your favourite actors and actresses?His favorite actors were: John Wayne, James Stewart and his favori actresses were: Rita Hawort, Lise Taylor, Brigitte Bardot.
24. Are they still famous? They are dead but they're still famous.
25. What type of sports did you practice?He went jogging and rode a bike, went hourse riding and hunting.
26. Did your parents approve? Not much.
27. What music did you listen to?He likd classical music, soft music and italians singers like Modugno, Mina, Morandi, Little Tony and Celentano.
28. What was your favourite band?He liked the "Ricchi e Poveri" band.
29. Who was your favourite singer?His favorite singer was Gaber.
30. Did you go to concerts?Yes, sometimes he went to a concert.
My father
1.How many people were there in your family? In my family there were six people.
2.What job did your parents do? My father was an engineer and my mother was a housewife.
3.Did you like going to school? No, I didn't.
4.How many years did you go to school? I went to school for thirteen years.
5.What were your teachers likes? In general his theachers were patient.
6.Were they strict or not? No, They weren't.
7.Were there any punishments? No, there weren't.
8.Did they put any disciplinary notes? No, They didn't.
9.Did you have a lot of homework to do? Yes, I did.
10.What did you want to do when you were a child? When I was a child I wanted to be a football player.
11.Did you succeed in your dreams? No, I didn't.
12.How old were you when you started working? When I started to work I was twelve years old.
13.What did you do? I was a builder.
14.Did you like it? No, I didn't.
15.What was life like? It was very full.
16.What was your town (or village) like? It was smaller than now.
17.Did you go out on weekdays or at the weekend only? Yes, I did.
18.Where did you go and what did you do in your free time? In my free time I went to the football pitch.
19.Did you buy a newspaper every day? Yes, I did.
20.How often did you read a newspaper, a magazine? I read a newspaper very often.
21.Were you interested in politics? Yes, I was.
22.Did you follow the fashion of the time? No, I didn't.
23.Who were your favourite actor and actress? My favourite actor was Robert De Niro.
24.Are they still famous? Yes, he was.
25.What type of sports did you practise? I practiced football.
26.Did your parents approve? No, they didn't.
27.What music did you listen to? I listened disco music.
28.What was your favourite band? My favourite band was the "Beatles".
29.Who was your favourite singer? My favourite singer was Paul McCarthney.
30.Did you go to concerts? No, I didn't.
My mother
1.How many people were there in your family? In my family there were four people.
2.What job did your parents do? My parents were cobblers.
3.Did you like going to school? Yes, I did.
4.How many years did you go to school? I went to school for eight years.
5.What were your theachers like? My teacher was very strict.
6.Were they strict or not? My teacher was strict.
7.Were there any punishment? Yes there were a lot of punishments.
8.Did they put any disciplinary notes? No, they didn't
9.Did you have a lot of homework to do? Yes, I did.
10.What did you want to do when you were a child? When I was a child I wanted to be a secretary.
11.Did you succeed in your dreams? No, I didn't.
12.How old were you when you started working? I was thirteen.
13.What did you do? I worked in a shoe factory.
14.Did you like it? No, I didn't.
15.What was life like? It was very full.
16.What was your town (or village) like? It was smaller than now.
17.Did you go out on weekdays or at the weekend only? No, I didn't.
18.Where did you go and what did you do in your free time? In my free time I went to the disco.
19.Did you buy a newspaper every day? No, I didn't.
20.How often did you read a news paper, a magazine? I read a newspaper very rarely.
21.Were you interested in politics? No, I wasn't.
22.Did you follow the fashion of the time? Sometimes.
23.Who were your favourite actor and actress? My favourite actor was Richard Geare.
24.Are they still famous? Yes, he is.
25.What type of sports did you practise? I didn't practise sports.
26.Did your parents approve? Yes, they did.
27. What music did you listen to? I listened disco music.
28.What was your favourite band? My favourite band was U2.
29.Who was your favourite singer? It was Patty Pravo.
30.Did you go to concerts? Ni, I didn't.
Posted by PrihOd))) on February 4, 2009 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment
Posted by Nick<Rusfan93>Serkov on January 27, 2009 at 8:04pm — 1 Comment
Posted by Nick<Rusfan93>Serkov on January 27, 2009 at 7:36pm — 1 Comment
Posted by Aleksandra Urbaniak on December 15, 2008 at 11:29pm — 6 Comments
Posted by Nick<Rusfan93>Serkov on December 6, 2008 at 11:46am
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