poland italy russia

Dear Participants,
Tomorrow is Saint Valentines Day. I hope you will celebrate it and give something to your beloved ones. What do you think of this holiday? Have you ever written a love poem by yourself? If so I`d be delighted to read your poems on this forum.

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Dear Agata,
What do you mean by falling in love every day?

AgataRawska said:
I don't like this holiday, maybe becouse I think that we must fall in love every day not only on Februrary:) But I really like chocolate hearts!
Dear Ania,
How do you understand this poem?

Ania Sekuła said:
I've been looking for an interesting love poem and I think I've found it. It's a poem of Polish poet, priest and, in my opinion, one of our greatest preachers (last, but not least!;))
I'm just not really sure about my translation...:)
Understanding this poem is not as simple as understanding its words only, I think;)

Jan Twardowski
Evening dresses
Perfumes earrings
Long rods of hair
And suddenly despair happiness
to choose wise love
to love the unhappy one
She was walking without sinners and crying bossed around
The shame of naked soul
it's more than shame of naked body
Dear Agata,
The ending of the poem seems to be strange. How do you understand it?

AgataRawska said:
Jan Twardowski

" For a while"

love for ever
the longest
which was to survive so many years
with a violet in a mug

came for a while
Dear Adam,
This poem is about rediscovering the beloved person. Do you think it`s easy when you are with yr partner, let`s say for 30 years? How do you understand this part of the song?

Adam Ostrowski ;);P said:
Journey-Faithfully nice fragmet of the song ;)
you stand by me
I'm forever yours
Circus life under the big top world
We all need the clowns to make us laugh
Through space and time
Always another show
Wodering where I am lost without you
And being a part ain't easy on this love affair
Two strangers learn to fall in love again
I get the joy of rediscovering you
You are absolutely right, Adam.

Adam Ostrowski ;);P said:
I think that isnt easy to stay with someone for 30 years;) theres much of fall downs and arguing. I admire people who live's with other a long time;) In my opinion this song is about allegiance to other person. Their love is very strong becouse he sings :" I am lost without you, i'm forever yours" and i think he cant live without she:)
i don't think I'm a romantic person. I rather listen to rap or metal music, which don't talk about love, but in this one day in year I can change (like Supermen ;P ) in to Romantic Nicolas ;)
I found a poem by Teofil Lenartowicz

The most beutiful girl, when nobody’s looking.
When she cries, jumps and is not ashamed.
Doesn’t know why she’s happy, doesn’t know why she’s sad,
Laughing, singer, cruel,
Dancing on the grass without music.
Does she need it? She is the music.

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